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Timesheet User Features

Timesheet Completion

Chasing timesheets is time-consuming—Timemarker automates it for you. Staff are prompted to complete timesheets before moving to a new week, and those with incomplete entries get weekly reminders. No more admin chasing—just automatic compliance.


Timemarker offers up to five levels of time tracking—Client, Project, Activity, Sub-Activity, and Task—so you can customise the detail to fit your needs. Most companies find three levels ideal for ease and accuracy. There’s no limit to staff, clients, or projects, and our team is happy to advise on the best setup for your business.


Admins land on the dashboard, displaying real-time data from the last 30 days—total hours, costs, bill value, and revenue. It highlights your top 5 most profitable clients and top 5 most active staff while showing billable vs. non-billable hours over six months. You can also suggest new charts directly from the dashboard.

Prepopulated Timesheets

Timemarker auto-fills your timesheet with recent tasks from the past two weeks, removing inactive ones for a cleaner, faster experience. This timeframe can be adjusted to fit your company’s needs.

Late Timesheet Reminder

Our late timesheet email will remind staff each week to complete any outstanding timesheets for the last 4 weeks. This email reminder can be configured to be sent on a day and time of your choosing and provide a summary of all the late timesheet weeks to multiple administrators.

Choosing The View For You

Timemarker offers weekly and daily timesheet views. Use weekly view to log time for the whole week at once or daily view for a focused, day-by-day approach. On mobile, the daily view is shown automatically.

Filtering Your Timesheet

When you work across many clients, projects and activities your timesheet can keep growing to a point it feels impossible to find the item you want to record time for. With Timemarker you can filter your timesheet to only show the items you are interested in keeping your time recording effortless.

Required Hours

When using the week or day view Timemarker will display your remaining weekly hours. Once your required hours have been met or exceeded you can set your timesheet as complete. This prevents staff members from submitting incomplete timesheets.

Start Your Free 6-Week Trial

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